I want to use JEM video footage in my production or I want to broadcast JEM footage.
Where do I start?
1. Find the footage you need
There are two types of footage searches:
Public Access Search
The easiest way to find the footage you need is by searching through the videos that have already been released to the public. A complete list can be found at JemStore.com. You can also search the brief descriptions of hundreds of our online videos at Chabad.org. Select “Audio and Video” from the drop-down list. Be sure to check out Chabad.org’s great text results, too! They’re sure to shed light on the topic you’re presenting.
Extensive Archival Search
Advanced searches or searches that involve raw, archival footage are time consuming and therefore require a fee. Please refer to the rate sheet before submitting your research request.
Please note: An archival search or licensing request must begin in writing. We cannot begin a search based on a telephone call. It is crucial that you take the time necessary to describe the footage that you need in writing and in detail. The more detailed you are, the more successful and efficient the search will be.
2. Submit your request
Whether you’ve already identified the exact footage you want to use, or if you need research assistance, you’ll need to submit a Footage Research and Licensing Request formin order to receive permission to use footage in your production or broadcast, .
To submit a request please fill out this form in its entirety, print, sign and fax it to us at 718-774-3402.
Please note that the usage license is granted to the organization, not to its hired production house or editor. As such, the agreement must be signed by the head of the institution (i.e. for a school presentation, the principal or director must sign.)
We’ll get back to you within four business days (not including Jewish Festivals) with an estimate of the project fees and turnaround times. If you're request has an urgent, rush requirement, researchers will have to be pulled off of other scheduled projects and related deadlines will have to be rescheduled. If we are able to accommodate the request, a rush fee will be required.
The Living Archive reserves the right to approve or deny permission to use our materials.
Once you’ve approved and paid for the project and we’ve completed the research we’ll send you a research
tape or disc with burned-in time-code.
3. Approval
After you edit your program, send us the edited show and once we’ve granted final approval, we’ll send you the clip without time-code (bearing only the JEM logo and any subtitles you requested) for your final production.
Send your final production to:
Jewish Educational Media
The Living Archive
784 Eastern Parkway
Suite 403
Brooklyn, NY 11213
718-774-1800 x245
In order to receive final approval for your project you must include the following credit:
Footage of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (or whatever the subject is) copyright by
and used with permission of
Jewish Educational Media
Chabad-Lubavitch Institutions qualify for a discount on most research and licensing fees.
Please contact us for more information.