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The cornerstone of our archive is a lifetime of images and sound of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. Over the years, our audio-visual holdings have grown to include other video and photographic materials which complement this core collection.
The collection documents the growth and development of Judaism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, with an emphasis on the growth of the Chabad Lubavitch movement over the past eight decades.
Our moving-image collection contains strong humanities content in the areas of history, religion, storytelling, music, and dance.
Video |
The motion-picture and video archives contain some of our most unique treasures.
The original format of the materials range from 8 and 16mm film in both color and black and white, half-inch
open-reel helical-scan videotapes, to 3/4" and Beta SP camera videotapes.
Moments such as the Citizenship proceedings of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn with his son-in-law and eventual successor at his side, a visit by Zalman Shazar, the President of Israel, in 1973, a public address on
the Rebbe's seventieth birthday in 1972, and a visit to the Previous Rebbe's resting place in 1992 -- one of the last times the Rebbe was able to make the trip -- are some of the many pearls contained in the archive.
A treasured part of the video archive are the thousands of recordings of the Rebbe recieving visitors and dispensing blessings and advice at the famed "Sunday Dollars."

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The Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, of righteous memory, sets foot on American soil for the first time on September 17, 1929.
16mm B&W film, The Jewish Educational Media Archive. Filmed by the Kramer Family. |

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The Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, of righteous memory, becomes a US citizen in his study at 770 Eastern Parkway. His son-in-law and successor Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson stands beside him, right. |

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The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Addresses the crowd at a Lag B’omer Parade. In his address, the Rebbe tells the children that the fate of the Jewish people rests on their shoulders.
May 19, 1957. 16mm Color film, The Jewish Educational Media Archive. Filmed by Trainer Studios. |
The audio treasures are made up, mostly, of the Rebbe's talks, the Farbrengens, in which the Rebbe addresses a myriad of topics -- from Torah studies to current events. From reasoned analysis to passionate pleas the thousands of hours contained in this collection feature an incredible wealth of variety, containing the oral history of a generation of leadership.
Starting from the Rebbe's inaugural address in 1951 to his final talk in 1992, the collection contains
thousands of hours.
The Rebbe’s inaugural address on 10 Shevat, 5711, 1951.
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Photos |
The photo archive contains about 150,000 photos of the Rebbe. In large part, it features individuals meeting
one on-one-with the Rebbe.
From prime ministers and presidents to shoemakers and merchants, everyone would be afforded a moment
with the Rebbe. Well over 100,000 of these moments are captures in the photo collection.
After the collection is scanned and cataloged, it will be made available to the public for review and purchase.
A few of the over 150,000 photos of individuals meeting with the Rebbe contained in The Living Archive. |