Your Feedback

I have a family here whom I convinced to subscribe to the video. They moved to Five Towns to "get away" from it all.
Because they don't understand Yiddish, they never watched a video of the Rebbe in their lives. As soon as it came, they popped it in, and an hour later, Miriam, the mother, called me all choked up, and proclaimed 'Rabbi, I was just at a Farbrengen!'
Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, Five Towns, New York

I have always noticed when showing the video of the Rebbe to Baalei Batim, that they are fascinated by it. While we watch it in a certain way as Chassidim, they always pickup on something different of what the Rebbe says. That's because the Rebbe speaks to different people on different levels at the same time. While we appreciate one thing, they are learning something on their level.
Rabbi Yosef Gopin, Hartford, Connecticut

Thank you! You have done an admirable job of presenting the Rebbe's Torah. This is what we need??regularly and consistently. We would like to send out 500 tapes before Rosh Hashana to our closest friends, and enclose an order form. Please contact me about this.
Rabbi Shalom Lipskar, Bal Harbour, FL

I was at the Ohel and saw the video playing. This is EXACTLY what we need! It is perfect for my people! I am signing up 4 people, and will use the free one for our Chabad House.
Rabbi Chaim Grossbaum, Stony Brook, NY


When I handed the memento to them, they were so surprised that there was technology of the Rebbe on a CD ROM, which they could watch in their offices. When they actually watched them, they were spellbound, and the response was phenomenal! Many people came over to me in Shul on Shabbos with high praises.
The custom imprint you did was beautiful, and it made an incredible gift for the Bar Mitzva.
Rabbi Chaim Mentz, Bel Air, CA


The Living Torah Teshura you gave out at the wedding has this city inspired! 19 people have asked to sign up. Please send us the forms and some additional CDs, because people are asking for them.
Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld, Pittburgh, PA
  Mitzvos are gifts!

I showed the first week's video to a group of ladies at a Shiur. Afterwards, we had a discussion about the beautiful way the Rebbe described to the children the significance of doing a Mitzvah.

Several of the women also asked for forms.

There was one woman there -- she teaches in our preschool -- who remained quiet throughout the discussion. The next day, she made a big, colorful, Mitzvah bulliten board for her classroom. The words on top read: "Mitzvos are gifts!" -- This was obviously a direct outcome of the Rebbe's explanation in the Sicha that every Mitzva that a child does is a gift to Hashem. The Rebbe's words has a powerful and direct impact on this woman, and the way she will educate her class.

The next week's Sicha, about Moshiach, is absolutely unbelievable, words cannot describe the Rebbe's intensity and geshmak as he explains the urgency of Moshiach coming right now.

Several people have asked how they can sign up. Please send several forms to have handy for when we show the video.

Devorah S., Shlucha for 32 years