Early Years 1902-1931 A documentary
the childhood & youth of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |
Lubavitcher Rebbe’s leadership and Torah scholarship
has been the subject of many an essay or article. But his private
life has been shrouded in mystery. His childhood and youth
have particularly enigmatic. For the first time in film, The
Early Years explores the early life of this Jewish leader.
The film features interviews with individuals with first-person
knowledge of the central events and personalities of the Rebbe’s
formative years. Subtitled in: English, Hebrew, French, Spanish,
order The Early Years I, click here. |

Yehuda Chitrik Posted:
Kharkov, Russia - 1926
Yehuda Chitrik was born in 1899. Here he recalls his first meetings with the Rebbe in 1926 and '27.

This interview appears on The
Early Years l.
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Yona Kese Posted:
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine - 1921
Yona Kese grew up in Dnepropetrovsk at the same time the Rebbe was there. He was a writer, who later became a member in the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.

This interview appears on The
Early Years l.
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Shaar Yashuv Cohen Posted:
Luga, Russia - 1927
In 1927, the Previous
Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, was arrested
in Leningrad for counterrevolutionary activity – spreading
religion. Shortly thereafter Rabbi Menachem Mendel,
his son-in-law to be, was forced into hiding. Shaar
Yashuv Cohen is the Chief Rabbi of Haifa, Israel.

This interview appears on The
Early Years l.
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Chana Shapiro Posted:
Dnepropetrovsk, 1909
In 1909, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak,
Rebbetzin Chana and their three sons moved to Dnepropetrovsk,
a huge military city 520 kilometers from Kiev, where
Rabbi Levi Yitzchok became the rabbi of the city’s
25 synagogues and 50,000 Jews. He turned to Rabbi Zalman
Vilenkin, asking him to teach his sons. Chana Shapiro
is Rabbi Vilenkin’s daughter, recalling her parents’ descriptions
of the children in their home.

This interview appears on The Early
Years l.
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Rabbi Yisroel Gordon Posted:
Warsaw, Poland - 1928
Rabbi Yochanan Gordon traveled
from Dockshitz, Russia, to the Rebbe’s wedding
in Warsaw. His son, Rabbi Yisroel Gordon, recalls his
father’s reports of the wedding.

This interview appears on The Early
Years l.
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Rabbi Moshe Gerlitzky Posted:
Otwock, Poland - 1931
Every year, from Berlin,
and later from Paris, the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin would
visit her father, the Previous Rebbe, for the festive
month of Tishrei. Rabbi Moshe Gerlitzky was a student
in the Lubavitch Yeshiva at that time.

This interview appears on The Early
Years l.
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David Fakler Posted:
Paris, France - 1937
On January 30, 1933 Hitler
was elected the German Chancellor. For a couple who was
foreign and Jewish, it was time to get out of Germany.
The Rebbe and his wife Chaya Mushka moved to Paris, where
the Rebbe continued his studies at the University for
Polytechnic at Mont Rouge and the prestigious University
of Paris, known as “the Sorbonne.” David
Fakler studied French with the Rebbe at the Sorbonne.

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